Sunday, December 14, 2014


Max was born in Callendar on Aug.20, 2013 and came to live with us the first week of October.

We wondered if he would ever grow into his ears!!!

Max has enjoyed the play times with guest's dogs. He is very social. He loves people and other dogs.
He loves moles, squirrels and chipmunks in a different way!!!!

Our Latest Wild Life

Wild turkeys have been in our neighbourhood for years but we haven't had them here on our property until just recently. There are three of them, all females, huge and beautiful. They like to eat sunflower seeds from under our bird feeder and to drive |Max crazy. They seem to know when he is not outside and then are able to run at great speed to get away from him as he skids down the icy stairs to catch our Christmas dinner!!!

The other delight is a snowy owl. Ray has seen it twice. What a sight it must be with its massive wing span of about four feet. I so want to see it too but haven't had the honour yet!!!!

We also have lots of deer tracks around the house and cabin. It helps that our neighbours on each side of us feed the deer. We are on the route. Once more it is an event that causes Max to bark up a storm. I must say invisible fencing is very impressive!!!